Braydon Rainnny
Rainnny created branch renovate/node-20.x-lockfile in Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 01:03:17 -08:00
Rainnny created branch renovate/org.projectlombok-lombok-1.x in Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 01:03:01 -08:00
Rainnny created pull request Rainnny/LicenseServer#16 2024-12-19 01:03:01 -08:00
fix(deps): update dependency org.projectlombok:lombok to v1.18.36
Rainnny pushed to renovate/org.projectlombok-lombok-1.x at Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 01:03:01 -08:00
233b5015ea fix(deps): update dependency org.projectlombok:lombok to v1.18.36
Rainnny deleted branch renovate/nextjs-monorepo from Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 00:03:36 -08:00
Rainnny commented on pull request Rainnny/LicenseServer#7 2024-12-19 00:03:35 -08:00
fix(deps): update nextjs monorepo to v14.2.20

Renovate Ignore Notification

Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update (14.2.20). You will get a PR once a newer version is released. To ignore this…

Rainnny deleted branch renovate/pnpm-8.x from Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 00:03:35 -08:00
Rainnny created pull request Rainnny/LicenseServer#15 2024-12-19 00:03:34 -08:00
fix(deps): update dependency class-variance-authority to v0.7.1
44ab44817a fix(deps): update dependency class-variance-authority to v0.7.1
Rainnny commented on pull request Rainnny/LicenseServer#8 2024-12-19 00:03:34 -08:00
chore(deps): update pnpm to v8.15.9

Renovate Ignore Notification

Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update (8.15.9). You will get a PR once a newer version is released. To ignore this…

Rainnny created pull request Rainnny/LicenseServer#14 2024-12-19 00:03:29 -08:00
chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.49
Rainnny pushed to renovate/postcss-8.x-lockfile at Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 00:03:27 -08:00
75e37633eb chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.49
Rainnny created branch renovate/postcss-8.x-lockfile in Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 00:03:26 -08:00
Rainnny deleted branch renovate/autoprefixer-10.x-lockfile from Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-19 00:03:15 -08:00
Rainnny commented on pull request Rainnny/LicenseServer#13 2024-12-19 00:03:14 -08:00
chore(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.20

Renovate Ignore Notification

Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update (^10.0.1). You will get a PR once a newer version is released. To ignore this…

Rainnny pushed to master at Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-18 23:25:52 -08:00
f5372c153c Merge pull request 'fix(deps): update dependency net.dv8tion:jda to v5.2.1' (#2) from renovate/net.dv8tion-jda-5.x into master
8325b98b8b fix(deps): update dependency net.dv8tion:jda to v5.2.1
Compare 2 commits »
Rainnny deleted branch renovate/net.dv8tion-jda-5.x from Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-18 23:25:52 -08:00
Rainnny merged pull request Rainnny/LicenseServer#2 2024-12-18 23:25:51 -08:00
fix(deps): update dependency net.dv8tion:jda to v5.2.1
Rainnny deleted branch renovate/spring-boot from Rainnny/LicenseServer 2024-12-18 23:25:47 -08:00