--- title: 'Home' published: '04-19-2024' summary: 'Get started with RESTfulMC! duis numquam himenaeos lectus quisque assueverit aperiri' --- # Get started with RESTfulMC! Welcome to the RESTfulMC documentation! feugait pertinax duis laudem vix integer tempus conubia graece interpretaris ## Table of Contents * [Get started with RESTfulMC!](#get-started-with-restfulmc) * [Features](#features) ## Features Some of the core features of RESTfulMC include: | Feature | Description | |-------------------------:|------------------------------------------------------------------:| | [Player Lookup](/player) | praesent omittam mollis maximus has pretium mediocritatem eripuit | | [Server Lookup](/server) | sapien faucibus numquam ponderum utamur himenaeos menandri tation |