import Link from "next/link"; import Image from "next/image"; import { cva } from "class-variance-authority"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; const brandingVariants = cva( "relative hover:opacity-75 select-none transition-all transform-gpu", { variants: { size: { sm: "w-16 h-16", default: "w-24 h-24", lg: "w-32 h-32", }, }, defaultVariants: { size: "default", }, } ); /** * The props for this component. */ type BrandingProps = { /** * The size of the branding. */ size?: "sm" | "default" | "lg"; /** * The optional class name to apply to the branding. */ className?: string; }; const Branding = ({ size, className }: BrandingProps) => ( PulseApp Logo ); export default Branding;